Vue d'ensemble

Présentation générale de notre infrastructure

Voici une vue d’ensemble sur notre nouvelle plateforme CEDILLE. Cette section est conçue pour vous donner une vue d’ensemble claire du ‘pourquoi’ et du ‘quoi’ de notre projet. Ici, nous plongeons dans la raison d’être de notre plateforme basée sur Kubernetes, exploitée par le SaaS Omni de SideroLabs, décrivant en détail pourquoi nous avons entrepris ce voyage et comment nous pensons que cela va transformer la façon dont on gère nos services d’hébergement sur nos serveurs bare-metal.

Quest-ce que c’est ?

Introduce your project, including what it does or lets you do, why you would use it, and its primary goal (and how it achieves it). This should be similar to your README description, though you can go into a little more detail here if you want.

Why do I want it?

Help your user know if your project will help them. Useful information can include:

  • What is it good for?: What types of problems does your project solve? What are the benefits of using it?

  • What is it not good for?: For example, point out situations that might intuitively seem suited for your project, but aren’t for some reason. Also mention known limitations, scaling issues, or anything else that might let your users know if the project is not for them.

  • What is it not yet good for?: Highlight any useful features that are coming soon.

Where should I go next?

Give your users next steps from the Overview. For example:

Last modified October 9, 2023: Merge branch 'master' into vision (0391edf)